Karver Single Line Drum KF3.0 (add to customise KF3.0; instead of continuous line)

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Karver Single Line Drum KF3.0
Part no. PF305300

KF3.0 single line option to order the continuous line wheel version instead of a single line version during the order process. Option valid for the 4 ranges: Standard, Racing, Classic or Structural.
Most of ther furlers can be ordered in a single line version (like a classic roller furler). Karver recommends this option for the use of fixed furlers or those intended to stay for a long time on deck (KFX structural furlers, staysail at post,…). They also recommend it to racers looking to reduce the friction of double continuous line wheel furling lines.


  • Ref PF305300
  • Weight 0 kg
  • Boat size 30 to 50 ft
  • Workload 3,00 T
  • Breaking load 6,00 T


  • Available on all KF, KFR, KFC and KFX versions
  • Sleek and elegant design
  • Carbon flanges
  • Lightweight and compact
  • This new drum versions make it easier to return to a toothed wheel version if necessary.
  • Dimensions almost identical to a toothed wheel version
  • The use of a single line instead of a continuous line causes less friction. This is one of the reasons why you'll find more and more drum version on board racing sailboats.
  • The maneuver with only one line allows to have a clearer bridge and to run only one line along the stanchions.


  • Be careful! The single line option on a gennaker or code furler is not always recommended. The longer the foot, the more rope is needed to store it. During rapid operations, there is a risk of overtaking.
  • If the rope diameter is too big, it will fill the single line before completing the furling.
  • Single line versions are often heavier than continuous line wheel versions
  • The choice between a continuous line wheel or single line version is a subject of frequent discussion. Without any particular technical constraint (length of curb), there is no bad choice.